These links have helped us all get started playing the uke.
Many thanks to our wonderful teachers and coaches.

Tips for the 2024 summer practice videos


Finger Picking:   If interested in working on finger picking, this video is helpful. Keep in mind, during first chords he works on, he simplifies the D7 and F chords to focus on the picking

5 Ukulele Mistakes to Avoid

Playing the C scale

"The Secret to easy ukulele chords"

3 Ways to change chords faster and more efficiently
0-5:15 Tip #1 Uninterrupted strum
5:30-11:20  TIP #2 Predictive Movement
11:30-17:00  Tip #3 Build chords leading with different fingers
17:00-  Other questions answered 

Playing Barre Chords
Barre Chord Tips Video (June 2024)
Adding a "back beat" to the standard strum d-dududu (July 2024)
Emphasizing beats 2 and 4;  d-DuduDu   
Practice Song;  *Skip to My Lou

The "Chuck"   Video starts at 1:50
*Tiny Bubbles:   Practice the chuck strum;   DXU  DXU when playing. Chucking really changes the mood of the song!

Finger Picking: Cynthia Lin
Practicing chord changes:

Singing & Playing at the same time: Video

How to Practice: Video

Reggae Strum let’s use it for “Three Little Birds” and “Don’t Worry…”. Which we are continuing to work on this week

This just added from Mary: 20 Strum Patterns for the Ukulele. Strum Patterns
Tiny Tip #1  Holding your Ukulele
Tiny Tip #2  How to Tune the Ukulele
Tiny Tip #3  How to Strum
Tiny Tip #4. First Chords; C and C7
(Note; each tip is no more than 5 minutes long.)

Beginners First Song:
Use only the C chord
Practice with different strums;  1.   d-d-d-d       2.   dudududu     3.   d-du d-du d-du d-du

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
Row, row, row your boat, gently out to sea.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, we'll be home for tea.
Row, row, row your boat, gently on the tide.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, to the other side.
Row, row, row your boat, gently back to shore.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, home for tea at four.

Our beginner’s practice for October 14:

Before our strum, please listen to :   The tips are also on You Tube.     Note; each tip is no more than 5 minutes long.
Tiny Tips # 5   Chords F and Am
Tiny Tip #6  Chords G and G7
Tiny Tip #7  Beginning Strum Patterns     

**The ukulele string order is as follows:   (Consensus on internet is different from Cynthia Lin's fingerpicking pattern for ".....Falling in Love.")

  • The string that’s closest to the floor is #1   (A)

  • The string that’s one up from the floor is #2  (E)

  • The string that’s three up from the floor is  #3  (C)

  • The string that is fourth up from the floor (or nearest the ceiling) is #4  (G)

Need help tuning your uke? Here are a few videos that will help you get started.
Tuning Your Uke with a Tuner
Tuning Your Uke without a Tuner

A Chord Chart Download
A Chart of the Notes on the Fret Board. Download

Some Strumming Practice Videos
Watch Cynthia Lin teach; How to "Chuck"
Watch Avery Hill teach the "Calypso" strum
Watch tutorial on the “Cowboy” Strum

Easy 3 chord songs. C, F and G By "the Ukulele Fool"
Peace Like a River ; on video at 3:30
Bye Bye Love;  on video at 8:10
Love is a Rose: on video at 14:35
and the chord charts! Words and Chords

Our first set of lessons with Stephanie Chevalier.
Review of 1st Lesson with Stephanie (and some great practicing tips!)
Review of 2nd Lessons with Stephanie
Review of 3rd Lesson with Stephanie
A link from Stephanie of some C and G7 songs

A Chord Chart you can download as a .pdf
A fun video Mollie found of 4 songs you can play with C and G7
Strumming Patterns Practice
Here’s an extra strum practice: video with Avery Hill. Calypso Strum Practice
Recommended by Martha, free on line lessons: Andy Guitar Uke Lessons

Tips from Mike Otto’s sessions with us. Mike Otto

Here’s our first tune with Mike. The Lion Sleeps Tonight (video) and the The Lion Sleeps Tonight (chord chart)
Working with Mike on Let it Be. Some videos to help with the strum. Live from Halcott Square (slow it down for practice). Mike’s youtube video of the Let It Be strum.

Mike’s tune this week will be "Stand By Me". Here’s the tune by Cynthia Lin with the DDU UDU strum (Island).
And a breakdown of the Island Strum and Chucking with JJ Milari.

Mike’s tune for next week will be “Eleanor Rigby”. Here is Jake Shimabukuro’s easy version.
Here’s a video he made for us for some “advanced” picking.

Wonderful concert on 5/22 by Marci Marxer and Cathy Fink. Here’s the link to the free lessons with Marci and to their summer workshops. They should use the code MarcyM. And to the virtual summer UkeFest. Here’s the link to their GoFundMe campaign if you missed it. Wigged Out.

New Practice idea: Cathy Fink talks about why she uses a metronome to practice: Metronome

Thanks to Ken Gutberlet for 4 great lessons. Here are the links to the videos.
Boney Fingers
The Glory of Love (whole song), ~ The Glory of Love (Bridge Only) ~ The Glory of Love (DUDUDUDU on G7)
I Can See Clearly/Blue Skies (whole song) ~ I Can See Clearly (when to start to sing)
Octopus’s Garden (whole song) ~ Octopus’s Garden (last verse only)

(Missed a lesson with Ken or want to practice? Here are the videos from our lessons with Ken)
First Lesson.

Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog (Joy to the World) and a link to Ken’s tips (two versions, blue font and black font)
Here are Ken’s video of Jeremiah was a Bullfrog from our lesson on Saturday.
Video 1. blue tricky parts up to speed
Video 2. blue tricky parts nice and slow
Video 3. black font numbers up to speed
Video 4 black font numbers nice and slow

All the words to Joy to the World on one page Link

* Red, Red Robin (words and chords) and a video

Second Lesson.
Video from Ken’s lesson with us on Jan 15th.

Third Lesson Link.
 (here’s the edited version with a few chord changes and the alternate D7 chord) Edelweiss Edited
And here is Ken’s Lesson from January 22nd

Fourth Lesson Link.
Here Comes The Sun Words and Chords ~ A Video
And here is Ken’s Lesson from January 29th

April 2022: The strum for Bring Me Sunshine and The Percussion/Strum for Rockin Robin
Did you get a uke? Happy to arrange some one-on-one lessons to help you get started. Leave us a message at