Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 26, 2-3:30pm
Every year, we hold an annual meeting of our membership. This is required (in our bylaws) and is typically the only business meeting we have each year. As active participants, we hope that all members attend the meeting and help guide the organization. We always have a president’s report, a treasurer’s report, and elections of our officers for the year. At this meeting, we elect a board of officers, who then actually elect the officers of the board at their first meeting.
The 2025 annual meeting will be January 26, at 2pm, at MAXgallery (126 N. Madeira St.). In addition to the “business-y” items, there are fun things planned as well. Kathy Helzlsouer is creating another of her fantastic presentations - showcasing the What’s Next activities from 2024, there will be nibbles and wine, and the Ukulala’s will be performing. There will also be plenty of time to chat with other members and an opportunity to pay dues ($10 per person) for 2025, if you haven’t already done so.
Based on nominations received over the past few months, a slate is ready to be presented. We hope to see everyone there!